
About Us

Walnut Hill was established in October of 2008 by Michael, Karen, and Amelia Kovach.

We consider helping to reconnect people to the food they eat to be almost as an important part of our purpose as doing right by the animals we raise, and the ground we raise them on and raising the highest quality meat. To that end, our doors are wide open.


Farm Values

We strive to raise our animals as near to the fashion they were evolved to live, and eat in the ways they evolved to eat.



Our Animals


Grass-fed Angus beef

Our beef is 100% grass-fed and finished and enjoy pasture all year long. 80% of our cattle are born on the farm and the rest come from trustworthy neighbors. We finish our cattle in 24-27 months. We never give our cows antibiotics, growth hormones, or GMOs. We only give our brood cows a small amount of spent brewer’s grain when we have some. We provide water and minerals (kelp and Redmond salt), and they do the rest. We don’t think you’ll ever taste better beef!


Pastured Turkeys

Turkeys, our absolute favorite pasture-cleaners, are raised for Thanksgiving (fresh) and Christmas (frozen/breasts/sausage). That may change in coming years, though, as they’re in demand, and they are an excellent pasture-building species! We often run our turkeys under fruit trees to take advantage of both the fallen fruit and the insects that are attracted to it.


Silvopastured pigs

Our pigs are raised in our woodlot, which is loaded with fruit and mast-producing trees (apple trees, pine, red, white, and black oak, hickory, walnut, pignut, and hazelnuts). They are also supplemented with non-GMO mash. We also raise heritage and special breed pigs, such as Idaho pastured pigs finished on hazelnuts (the preferred method for prosciutto). Our pigs are excellent rejuvenators and thrive in the environment we provide them. They truly live a great life.


Pastured Chicken

Laying hens are on pasture most of the year, and are only shut in for the worst of the winter. They move frequently while out, and are great “pasture cleaners”. Their main ration is a non-GMO laying mash, but they also get some kitchen scraps from our friends at DiLorenzo’s Deli!

Broilers are raised on pasture only until late fall. They are fed non-GMO mash, in addition to whatever they can forage while doing what chickens are supposed to do!